450 miles from Honolulu…

sounds like such a short way to go!  Jim and Dave have been motoring the last 24 hours – no wind at all.  Jim said they only had 350 miles worth of fuel left, so they are fervently hoping for wind. 

They have had wind from every direction, and every strength.  A few nights ago, in 30 knots of wind, the halyard on the staysail broke.  They both managed to get up to the front of the boat, pull the sail down and stuff it into the sail locker.  Then they unfurled the big jib and reefed it down to a manageable size.  I guess the wind went from nothing to 30 in a matter of seconds.  The next morning, Jim had to go up the mast and install a new halyard, with the boat pitching and rocking.  This was Dave’s first time at winching someone up the mast – I’m sure he was more nervous than Jim.  There’s something about being solely responsible for someone else’s life that gets the ol’ heart beating pretty fast. 

Dave is the only crew member on board.  He has never been offshore, although he has owned a small sailboat.  It’s been fun to read his e-mails.  He has been having a great time, has not been sick, and is getting into the swing of things.  He is learning to cook, and has been amazed at the sunsets and the stars.  He and Jim are a little bored with the daily routine, but are getting along famously.

As soon as Jim gets to Hawaii, he will stock the boat, do a few repairs, pick up more crew and head home to Anacortes.  He’s very anxious to get home, and we are anxious for him to be here.  Now I know what my family went through when we were in the ocean, and they were constantly checking their e-mails and this website for word of our safety.

 It is taking me and the girls a little while to get acclimated to the busy world.  There is so much noise here!  Cell phones are ringing, people are taking, the TV is blaring, and there seem to be a lot of clicks and buzzes and beeps happening all the time.  Out in the ocean, I remember hearing the waves slapping against the hull, the wind blowing against the sails, and the birds talking to each other.  Soon all the noise will seem normal for me, but I hope I can hang on to the precious quiet that I got to enjoy for a time.

 I’ll let you know when Jim hits land!  ~  Jeanna