Jim is on his way to Hawaii.

  He and his crew of two left Vanuatu right after we girls boarded the plane.  It was another rough trip to weather with 25-30 knots of wind.  The crew was green, literally.  The charts showed a little atoll called Funafuti, in the Tuvalu Island group, about 500 miles north of Fiji, so they headed there for a breather.  One can only pound to weather for so long before one needs a break.    Funafuti has a small airstrip, a fuel dock, and a beautiful bay.  There were not very many people, and not a lot of fresh food, but it was a nice and necessary rest stop.  It’s good that they were able to get fuel, because there might be a lot of motoring involved on the way to Hawaii. 

One crew member, who felt like he was running out of time, got off and flew to Fiji, then back home.  Jim and Dave are bravely forging ahead, determined to see the trip through to Hawaii.  Last I heard, they had about 15 days to go, the winds were about 12 knots out of the east, and they were trying to catch some fish.  They are hoping for some south wind, but if they don’t get it, they will be able to motor the last 600 miles or so to Hawaii.  We think Jim has crew lined up for the last leg of the trip.

 Molly, Jessie and I are guiltily having fun with family. Summer has finally come to the northwest.  The sky is a Delphinium blue, and Mt. Rainier is snow-white and sits up proud and noble, as if it knows that it is the most beautiful sight in the northwest.  Molly and Jessie have been spending time with their best friends.  It’s been hard for me to be away from them; we have been joined at the hip for a long time now. I’m told I better get used to it, and quick! 

Jim misses his girls a lot, and his e-mails are full of emotion.  He’s a better man than I am, that’s for sure.  I admire the way he wants to see this through to the end.  I’ll keep you posted as I hear from him.  ~  Jeanna